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Litigation Support


Riney Hancock CPAs has decades of experience acting as consultants to attorneys. Our forensic accountants are not only acknowledged authorities; they understand what attorneys need from an independent expert – communications skills. Experts who can explain complicated findings and issues with easy-to-understand testimony and reports.


Attorneys need experts who can help prepare reports, critique reports, assist in the discovery process, and the preparation of questions for deposition and trial. They need experts who can give testimony in a case with forthright, simplistic language.

Scope of Services

Attorneys should contact Riney Hancock CPAs whenever they’re dealing with…

  • Discovery (finding, reviewing, and evaluating the right documents);
  • Preparing and critiquing expert reports (when you need an opinion or another opinion);
  • Deposition assistance (assistance in preparation and during depositions);
  • Trial examination (assistance in preparing questions to ask/areas to address);
  • Expert testimony (depositions and expert witness testimony at trial);
  • Damage analysis (for civil suits);
  • Business interruption analysis (estimating economic damages); or
  • Fraud investigation (for examinations, forensic accounting, and financial damages).


Certified Fraud Examiners (CFEs) are employed by corporations, government agencies, and attorneys. Their responsibilities include investigating allegations of fraud, obtaining evidence, taking statements, preparing reports, providing expert testimony, and assisting in the prevention and detection of fraud.

Riney Hancock CPAs has a CFE with years of accounting and business experience in presenting concepts and findings to judges and juries. When it comes to fraud examination, you want an expert.

Contact us to learn more about our litigation services.