Because placing the proper value on a business is critically important, you need to use an expert with experience and a proven track record – Riney Hancock CPAs.
Determine the Real Value of Your Business
Don’t take an educated guess or a rule of thumb. A proper business valuation requires an independent expert, familiar with accepted valuation methodologies, who has the necessary experience to understand the complexities of valuing a closely held business.
Riney Hancock CPAs Valuation Services
If you’re making an important decision, you need reliable information. You need an expert business valuation whenever you’re dealing with:
- Estate or gift (transferring wealth, reducing taxes, perpetuating the business)
- Buy/sell agreements (with partners or shareholders)
- Selling a business (know your company’s value before you negotiate)
- Mergers or acquisitions (know the other company’s value before you negotiate)
- Litigation valuations (for partner/shareholder disputes, divorce, or insurance)
- Expert valuation testimony (independent objective valuations and expert witness testimony).
Certified Valuation Expertise
Determining the proper value of a business takes experience, resources, and expertise that you won’t find at every firm. Riney Hancock CPAs has all the tools necessary to arrive at the correct valuation.
The valuation services of Riney Hancock CPAs are performed by individuals who are Certified Valuation Analysts (CVA).
Extensive Valuation Resources
Clients requiring business valuations deal directly with our credentialed staff who have the firm’s total resources at their fingertips. To complement our business valuation services, additional expertise is available through our memberships in the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and Allinial Global.
Contact us to learn more about the valuation services provided to our clients.